18 June 2012

Pentecost Celebrations in Ollantaytambo.

Adam L. Weintraub (http://www.photoexperience.net/) - “The Pentecost celebrations, a four-day fiesta worshiping Ollantaytambo’s patron saint, Saint Choquekillca. In elaborate hand-made costumes, each family performs one of 17 folkloric dances that represent their Andean history.”

The dancing goes all day and night at random times…they also like to fire canons at random times as well. The kids gambling – I have no idea what they are playing. The animal costume in there: a guinea pig. Also part of the festival: bull fights (the bulls are not harmed); and a rooster pull where the rooster is actually an ear, or cob, of corn. Too many images to pick from so here is a collage.

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