27 June 2012

Holga : Black & White : Machu Picchu & our guide

Juan Carlos really was a wonderful guide. Very expressive.

22 June 2012

More wood!

Wood planks harvested from the existing warehouse, sanded, then used in the construction of the new building you see off to the right.

20 June 2012

New topic – Wood!

Reclaimed wood that is. Part of the design of this office building currently under construction is the reuse of structural timber salvaged from the decommissioned warehouse it is replacing. The end result - to create a warm environment in the central commons area.

19 June 2012


Met these guys while walking around san blas, cusco; the guy on the far right wanted to braid my hair.

18 June 2012

Pentecost Celebrations in Ollantaytambo.

Adam L. Weintraub (http://www.photoexperience.net/) - “The Pentecost celebrations, a four-day fiesta worshiping Ollantaytambo’s patron saint, Saint Choquekillca. In elaborate hand-made costumes, each family performs one of 17 folkloric dances that represent their Andean history.”

The dancing goes all day and night at random times…they also like to fire canons at random times as well. The kids gambling – I have no idea what they are playing. The animal costume in there: a guinea pig. Also part of the festival: bull fights (the bulls are not harmed); and a rooster pull where the rooster is actually an ear, or cob, of corn. Too many images to pick from so here is a collage.

09 June 2012

beauty of light leaks

On the way to Andahuaylillas we stopped off at some incan ruins to have our lunch. After taking some photos I finished my role and pulled it out of the holga. It was wound loose causing the light leaks. Personally, I love when that happens.

08 June 2012

Holga shot @ Pentecost Festival in Ollantaytambo

A few dancers having a little convo at the Pentecost Festival in Ollantaytambo.